
민명기 칼럼


1. Princeton canceled REA for 2020-21 (6/18/20)

2. U. Michigan's flexible SAT/ACT policy (7/6/20)


미시간 대학은 신입생 원서 제출시 기본적으로 SAT/ACT 시험 점수를 제출하는 것을 필수로 요구한다고 발표해 요즘 타 대학들이 앞다투어 시행하는 test optional policy에 역행하는 정책을 발표했습니다:


Standardized Tests

Standardized test scores provide valuable, in-context information that assists with a holistic review of our applicants. Test scores are not a single determining factor in our admissions process. With applicants from over 9,000 high schools, presenting different academic curricula and course offerings, test scores provide valuable nationally normed information that helps us to understand academic performance and the environmental context of that performance so that we can best identify and support talented students to admit to our class.

  • Test scores are required (SAT I or ACT) and can be self-reported on the student’s application unless the student is applying under a test flexible option. We recognize access to testing may be limited and will review all exam results within the context of each student’s overall achievement.
  • We will consider any impacted student who would like to apply, regardless of ability to test. Students impacted by SAT I or ACT availability may apply under a test flexible option. If by the deadline, a student is unable to sit for and submit an SAT I or ACT test score, we encourage them to submit any standardized testing result (PSAT, PLAN, Pre-ACT, AP’s, etc.) they may have taken in order to help us understand their support needs.
  • Please complete and submit the application and use the relevant COVID questions to share specific information regarding how the pandemic impacted your ability to sit for a standardized test. We will confirm with Early Action applicants who do not submit test scores by the EA deadline, their intent to apply EA without scores. All applicants otherwise completing their applications for the Regular admissions deadlines will be reviewed without scores if none are submitted.
  • The cancellation of spring and summer exams have been disruptive to students' academic planning. We are closely monitoring the availability of testing from the College Board (SAT) and ACT and are aware that they are adding testing dates to provide opportunities for those that need their ‘first’ score and for those who wish to retest. While we do not require it nor is it necessary, we are aware that students often take these exams more than once in order to better prepare and improve their scores; we are equally aware that many students have only one opportunity to test, many through their local high school. We have adequate information in the review process to understand when a student tested (i.e. early junior year rather than in senior year) relative to the courses they have pursued and performed in that enable us to properly assess their exams within that context.
  • For international students who may be more limited in their ability to take the SAT or ACT, we would hope to see predictive and/or national examination results.
  • We also know that this situation continues to evolve and we will monitor these developments carefully and make accommodations to meet individual students' needs as appropriate.

Self-Reported Scores

  • In order to provide the greatest flexibility in the application submission, students will be able to provide self-reported test scores or officially reported scores during the application process. All official scores should be submitted by admitted students at the end of the enrollment process for verification.

AP Coursework and Testing

  • Many students present AP coursework and test scores for review during the application process. However, not all students present similar numbers of courses due to availability of AP in their schools and may not yet have scores at the time they apply. We acknowledge that this year in particular, the AP testing process may have been particularly anxiety-provoking. Like SAT and ACT scores, AP coursework and test scores provide contextual information during the application review.
  • The inability to provide AP test scores will not impact the review of an application. AP courses help us understand the pursuit of curriculum rigor where they are available and AP scores help us understand how a student might perform in college level work but are also only used in context with additional information in a student’s application and where such courses are available.



















어제 (6/18) 아이비 리그 대학 중에서는 마지막으로 프린스턴 대학이 올 해 지원자들에게 SAT/ACT 시험을 필수로 요구하지 않는다고 발표했습니다. 또한 올 해는 조기 전형을 시행하지 않고, 정시 전형으로만 신입생을 선발한다고 하니 유념하시기 바랍니다:



SAT and ACT Optional, Early Action Canceled For 2021 Applicants

By Brett Tomlinson

Published online June 18, 2020




Morrison Hall, home of Princeton’s admissions office

Nick Donnoli, Office of Communications

The change recognizes challenges students face in the pandemic 

Princeton’s Office of Admission has suspended the standardized testing requirement for undergraduate applicants in 2020-21 and will have one application deadline — Jan. 1, 2021 — instead of separate dates for single-choice early action and regular decision, the University announced June 18. The changes were made in recognition of the challenges students are facing in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

High school seniors, their families, and their school counselors and administrators will be encountering “many hurdles” when they begin the next academic year, according to a University release. “We know returning to classes in fall 2020 will require students and staff to acclimate to an altered environment,” Dean of Admission Karen Richardson ’93 said in the release. “We hope that by pausing our Single-Choice Early Action program this year it will reduce some of the pressure on applicants and give them the time to prepare their strongest applications.” 

Princeton’s decision to make the SAT and ACT optional follows similar announcements from peer schools, including the seven other Ivy League institutions. Applicants may still submit test scores, but those who do not “will not be at a disadvantage,” according to the University. Transfer applicants also will not need to submit SAT or ACT scores in 2020-21, and the transfer application deadline in early March will not change. Recruited athletes will still need to submit standardized test scores to comply with Ivy League policy, but the admission office “will be flexible in its review for those who simply cannot gain access,” the University said. 

The College Board, which administers the SAT exam, said on its website that there is “unprecedented demand” for the exam, as spring testing was canceled. Capacity is limited because of because of social-distancing requirements, though the College Board was looking to increase the number of testing facilities. The ACT exam was administered in June, but not all test centers were open. Plans were to administer a test July 18; students will be screened for COVID symptoms, required to six feet apart from each other, and encouraged to wear masks. Not all testing centers will be open.



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